How To Use A Blood Pressure Monitor

Being diagnosed with high blood pressure does not mean having to change every aspect of your
life. It means having to watch your diet, to exercise regularly and to take prescribed medications.
It also means having to monitor your blood pressure, either daily or weekly, or however often
your doctor wants you to do so.

Taking your own blood pressure is not a difficult endeavor, and with a little practice, you can
become as adept as a nurse at reading and monitoring your own blood pressure. There are many
different kinds of blood pressure monitors available these days, and many of them work with the
simple push of a button. Finding out which kind you feel comfortable with and is most affordable
means doing a little research and knowing a few basics.

Analog versus Digital

First, you must decide whether you want a digital blood pressure monitor or an old fashioned
analog style. Both work equally well, though the digital models on the market today are fast, easy
and user-friendly. If you are familiar with the older models, still used in many doctor's offices
today, you will understand the difference between the two. With a digital model, all you have to
do is wrap the cuff around your wrist or upper arm and push the button. The machine will
automatically inflate the cuff and display a systolic and diastolic blood pressure reading within a
minute or less.

With an old-fashioned cuff, you will need to wrap the cuff around your upper arm. You will then
use the stethoscope to inflate the rubber ball. Pumping the cuff to the proper pressure, you then
release a little knob on the rubber ball that will allow the cuff to deflate. This method requires the
user have good hearing, so keep that in mind when shopping.


For most seniors, a digital blood pressure monitor is fast, simple and easy. Often, digital
monitors will have enlarged numbers for display, making it easy for those with poor eyesight to
read the numbers. Not having to listen for heart sounds with the use of a stethoscope makes this
model favored among older people.

In addition, many people suffering from arthritis or weak fingers and joints have difficulties
pumping up the rubber ball that inflates an old fashioned cuff. This is not necessary with an
electronic digital blood pressure monitor. Keep in mind however, that a digital monitor is more
expensive than the older, analog cuff method. However, it provides conveniences that more than
outweigh the increase in cost.